well I have been wanting to buy a trad bow for a while and I have yet to buy one, I could not work this summer and get extra $$ to do it, but I was able to get a loaner and 3 arrows from a nice guy I met at a 3d shoot..man I suck!!! I can't hit my house at 3 ft if I try!!!!!!!!!!! you guys that do it have my respect!
I just started too and it made shooting in the backyard a lot more fun. Like you, hitting the block was my goal in the beginning. Now I actually try to hit a 3" dot. Everytime I think I've figured it out, the next 2 arrows prove I was wrong!
Another thing to keep in mind is that you'll find you'll be able to shoot different trad bows with different proficiency. Some bows will just 'click' with you. Others, not so much.
Consistent anchor/form and laser focus on a spot...and the arrows will begin making their way to the spot. It is very similar to throwing a new sized ball at a target (or darts, etc)...not so good at first...continue to focus and your mind will begin to "feel the arrow." The Mental aspect is huge...clear your mind, be consistent, FOCUS. I have come a LONG way in a very short time...do not overthink it.
I feel your pain Landon. I picked up a trad bow at Cabela's last year, and I've missed 2 deer with it in the late season so far. Granted, they were both well beyond my "effective" range... Good fun though.
It can certainly be trying at times. Pick something & run with it. It'll take a while to develop a sequence that works.