So he is now pulling 46# with about 23 ish draw length. He shoots a new Mission bow and I think it IBOs at around 300 fps. His arrows are weighing 321 gr and he shoots a 100 gr 2 blade magnus stinger. His arrows are longer for the weight purposes but that's about as long as he can go with that 500 spine. I keep his shots to about 15-17 yards. Yall think he should be good to go for this season? He's shooting really really well by the way.
He should be fine with that setup, my daughter shot around they same specs when she started and took 2 does her first year with no issues.
46 lbs is plenty for whitetails that close! Its great that you get to go with him! Only thing I missed with my girls growing up. They never had or have to this day any interest in bowhunting! Best of luck and have fun with him!!
With that shot distance and limited range, I would think he would be fine. May need a stiffer spine once he is ready to shoot farther at animals.