Ok so tell me if my son should shoot fixed or mech broadheads? He's 11 shooting a mission craze pulling roughly 50# I have him g5 montecs and I have rage hypos I'm just wondering what you guys shoot on your sons rig? It's not his first hunt it's his first out of state trip and I'm hoping to give him best chance
I would shoot what her already has. He is 11 and he will get bigger and stronger and as he does his setup will change. I would just shoot what you have and as he gets older and moves to a higher wieght and draw length then maybe start testing other broadheads.
Definitely montecs... It is recommended to have at least 60ft/lbs of energy to shoot mechanicals according to a couple of the companies. Can you get away with less? Sure. Is it worth the risk? Definitely not.
At only 50#, I would not mess with a mechanical as it requires a lot of kinetic energy to deploy the broadhead and get good penetration. Definitely go w/ a fixed.
All the research and advice I've done has told me to stick with fixed until they get stronger with with the draw weight. I would keep him shooting what he's been shooting. Don't want to find out that the broadheads fly so differently that he misses his opportunity.
Ok guys thanks I was thinking same about his setup! Sure is nice to get some others helpful advice! Gotta love this site! We will post any pics