Last Sunday evening my brothers wife went out deer hunting here In Minnesota for the 1st time this season. Earlier that day my brother went and threw a stand up along side a bean field along the outer edge of the woods. 20 minutes before dark she arrowed her 2nd deer ever In 5 years or so of bowhunting (both are bucks). She's never gun hunted. Her bow and set up Is nothing fancy either-Using a Finger tab, 65% let off, plain jane flipper rest, 1816 Aluminum arrows tipped with a 3 blade 125 grain Magnus Snuffer. Arrow passed completely through (40lb draw weight). She centered both lungs perfect, deer went 60 yards and fell out of sight. She's one proud wife, mom, and bow hunter!!! Stacy and her buck Stacy and Hunter (One of the 2 sons they have) My brother Jason, Stacy and Hunter The thumbs up pose. I started doing that about 10 years ago, kind of a tradition now with us Schultz's.:D
Way to go Stacy congrats. Steve. I can see a slight family resemblence, between you and the deer:p:D Sorry bud I could not resist that one
Good stuff there Schultzy! Congrats to her! I'm not sure you could knock the smiles off their faces if you tried! :D