Personal preference. It used to be longbows had more handshock and were faster, but with new innovations in design and materials that's not true anymore. (I still prefer recurves) Sent from my iPad Mini using Tapatalk Bows, Broadheads and Backstraps
Gold Tip 35/55 Trads Two Fletch [/QUOTE] Interesting, you just don't see 2 fletch used much. Do you see any loss in stability? I would imagine your bow/arrow/FOC combination would have to be perfect. Sent from my iPad Mini using Tapatalk Bows, Broadheads and Backstraps
I'm curious about your two-fletch also. How's it working with your broad heads? Any problem getting good arrow flight?
Jayko modern reflex/deflex longbows like mine are no different than recurves except they make less noise. They act the same when shoot. When unstrung it looks like a recurve. I prefer them because they are quieter and I think they look cool those are the only reasons. Performance wise they are similar and will vary from bow to bow, manufacturer to manufacturer.
Thanks guys! I'm really excited and shooting great with this setup. The two fletch are just as stable, recover as quickly, and have less drag resulting in flatter trajectory out past 20. Not much but some distance is gained. They also perform better in high winds. When you have three fletchings there are always two catching the crosswind. With only the two fletchings, the resistance is cut in half because they are oriented at 180 degrees. With a normal amount of helical they steer the arrow just as well even with big heavy broadheads. Arrow flight is all in the tuning, even a bare shaft can fly straight if properly tuned. Regardless of how many fletchings you have you arrows should be properly tuned.
I have tried 2 fletch a couple times in the past and I am not a fan with broadheads. Great looking setup though, good luck this season. I shot both recurves and longbows for a lot of years before I had two back surgeries. I even built bows for awhile. Now I need a bow with let-off but I still enjoy reading about what guys are using.
Very nice set up, clean & slick, first I've ever seen a 2 fletch arrow, mite have to make a couple up to try out.