Before it even starts Got word today I am another causility of the economy Got laid off With the worst news is that I am owed over a months pay and the company can't pay me
I sure wish I could help you out bud. Hang In there, best of luck my friend In finding another job. I feel for ya Russ.
I'm struggling with this Russ; water off a duck's back. I'll say it as I see it, and I think you will appreciate what I have to say. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get out there and open another door. You're too friggin talented! I have your six in the thick, or I'll die trying-rest easy mate.
Will. I was out for most of the day filling in applications. Not feeling sorry for myself just a little pissed because I worked for a month spending $40 a day in gas to be told thanks we can't pay you.
Ouch!! That is terrible! Just asking and wondering..... was your normal pay schedule monthly or were you giving them the benefit of the doubt? Hope things get better for you.
Sorry to hear that.. I work in part of the trucking industry and we've been hit hard also. Hopefully things will get better soon. good luck job hunting. woodsman
I understand Russ-there lies the struggle. I cannot believe someone would lead you on and then F you. I want to don my ninja garb and place a few arras in their proper place. I know it tough to get blood from a turnip but does this company have any assets you can lean-you know, in the event they cannot pay? I have faith... their lose is a huge gain for someone looking for an excellent hand. I'm sure I can find a spot for you in Colorado if you're willing to make the move.
I wish you luck Russ, keep fighting. What assets do you have other than building really nice bows. I know if I got laid off all I could do is try to find a job in the same field. All I have ever done since I was 16 years old was butcher. At 53 I'd be hard pressed to start another career.
Really feel for you mate , I can only hope you find another job very soon . I just had my overtime stopped too , but i do some stonewall building for my uncle when things get quiet . Will see how things go for next year , I got a few bits and bobs to sell for my ticket next year . I'm sure you will find something soon mate .
Very sorry to hear. Keep your head up. No matter what make sure you do something that you enjoy everyday - even if you have to make yourself. And also don't give up on your season.
Sorry about the job loss. I've been thru that before, you gotta stay positive and keep looking, even if its for something other than what you had been doing.
dang. what else to say when I know them. did you talk to him? I'll call ya. BTW, I got the pass around.
I'm sure that there'll be a good opportunity coming your way and that you'll be flinging sticks at something before you know it. Here's hoping that it's not only as good but way better than before! Cheers!
Been outa pocket on here for awhile,sux to hear you got axed russ! Hope you find something else only better soon!