This year has been a challenge getting out like I normally do, due to several reasons. In fact I've hunted less this year than the last 20 for sure. I only managed to get out in Oct a couple times, and didn't even see a buck. November rolled in, and I began to see some bucks here at my house in VA, but never saw a shooter on stand. I decided to take out my muzzleloader on the last day for a change of pace. Ended up having a pretty nice buck come by following a doe and managed to put him down. My son decided not to go out that morning, boy was he bummed. He would likely have killed it. This is a pretty good buck for my area for sure. I got him 2 weeks ago. Fast forward to last week....we headed to our cabin in WV for the annual trip - opening week of rifle. The weather sucked the first two days, highs in the 70's. But the deer were still moving and we managed to take a few decent bucks. I hunted with my son every day, hoping he would get his buck. I asked him before we went out what he wanted to shoot, he said he wanted to hold out for a decent racked buck. No spikes, etc. First morning of course, the first deer we saw was a spike. He passed. No more bucks that day. Second morning we saw two more spikes...he passed. He ended up passing 7 different spikes throughout the week, hoping to get a shot at a decent buck - but it never happened. I was proud of was actually tough for him to do later in the week, as he knew his chances were winding down. One evening late in the week, we had a really tall racked spike come by....I told him he was welcome to shoot it if he wanted. He said "yeah, maybe I will". Then as I'm waiting for the shot, watching him stand there at 40yds broadside - he says "dad, I just don't really want to shoot him". He ended up shooting a doe only, and was happy with it. She was a whopper, coming in right at 100lbs dressed. Huge doe for our area. My dad shot a nice 6pt on opening day at 8yds. (No brow tines - we have a gene up there, probably 2/3 of our deer have no brows, or only 1 brow. Its been that way for 25yrs that I've hunted there). He's 67 and was real happy with this buck. My buddy's son shot a nice 7pt that was aged at 5.5yrs by the DNR, and had a 19" inside spread. He was stoked, his biggest buck ever. (only one brow tine, LOL)Ironically, as he got down and started walking to his buck....another buck that was bigger was standing there staring at him. Hope he makes it through! We saw some other nice bucks during the week, and actually a couple of pretty big bucks which made me happy. Something I haven't seen up there in a while. I never saw a shooter, and just ended up shooting some does. In total I think we killed 16 or 17, with only 3 being bucks. I didn't get a pic of the 3rd one, but it was a basket 6 with no brows that one of the boys got - go figure. My cousin and his son and a couple nice slicks My son and I had 3 bears come by one morning, about 30yds. I managed to snap a pic on my cell phone at about 40yds, though it looks like a mile away. She was about 150lbs or so, and the cubs were cute. I bought a bear tag this year because they opened up the season this year in our area during opening week. We've seen quite a few over the years....and some real bruisers too. The season has always been closed during opening week until this year. It was cool seeing them, and the first time my son ever saw a bear. Last but not least....we tried to train up the youngin's on how to butcher deer. They still have alot to learn, and it was kinda comical to watch them. Nobody went to the hospital, so that was a good thing :D Overall, another good opening week with family and friends. Now I'm back at it with the bow for a while - mostly around here at the house. We'll see what happens. Might even m/l hunt some more later in the season. Thought I'd share with you guys, enjoy! Mike
Mike Great post as always !! I really enjoy seeing how your week at camp goes with the kids every year. Congrats to everyone on their deer !! Thanks for sharing !! Tim
An electric saw to cut through the bones! What a great idea! I 've always used a bone saw by hand, what a pain. Those are great pics! looks like the freezer will be good and stocked
man i havent seen a deer or a shooter this year im excited because next year we have a couple stands we gonna put out!!
Congratulations Mike. You guys sure put down some deer this year. I love the hunting tradition that is in your family.