I should have known better! I put my trolling motor battery on charge yesterday when I got home from work. I thought it was acting funny as it showed full charge when I put it on. Came back out before leaving and it was on 3. Like an idiot I loaded up and took off. This battery also powers the spotlight attached to my Bow. I unload, and about 100 yards later it starts going dead I cuss myself, load back up and head out. Im approaching a country bridge that I have shot fish off of and thought hey, why not stop on it, attach spotlight to Jeep battery and give it a go. I was able to shoot a decent Carp, so it wasnt a total bust! There were 2 more that kept going to either side of bridge never giving me a shot. SO, Here is all I have to show for it but it was still fun. Now I need to get a new charger!
You need a hawglite 'Crick! Nice fish. We're headed down your way... sorta. K12, Deer Predator and myself will be shooting a tournament out of Evansville on Saturday.
Evansville?? yeah thats real close to me, only 35 miles as a matter of fact! Where is a tourney in E-ville? I have heard of the hog light,,might have one some day! Hell give me a shout when you two are down, would like to meet K sometime if im free!
for that set up I just have terminals on my trolling motor battery with wing nuts that I simply attach my light leads to. simply but it works when im alone in just a 2 man bass boat!
We are taking off from the Rural King at Evansville. There's a dinner at 5pm on Saturday. Come over and see us!!!!!!! Shoot starts at 7pm and runs to 7am, Ohio River. Here's info on it: "INNERLOC CHARITY CLASSIC AUG. 6TH EVANSVILLE IN. NUMBERS & BIG 10 ASIAN CARP ONLY This is a shoot to raise money for the homeless and needy in the tri-state area. 100% of entry fees are going to be donated to these charities along with the money that each boat raises from their sponsors....We have some sponsors that will be donating on a per fish bases on the entier shoot. We are looking at a full field of 30 boats and have over several thousand dollars in prizes...Bows will be given away to the numbers winners and engraved watches to the big 10 winners.There will be 5 other bows for door prizes as well of a bunch of good things for the hunter and bowfisher. Cook out starts at 5:00pm with the rules meeting at 6:30. Shoot runs from 7:00pm to 7:00am at the RURAL KING parking lot on St. Joe Ave. Entery Fee is 200.00 or Sponsor money from 4 sponsors...Have over 25 restuants who have donated give-a-ways to everyone that attends the cookout. For info please call 812-774-2973....HELPING THE NEEDY WHILE CLEANING UP OUR RIVERS... " TV coverage.... http://www.wsiltv.com/p/news_details.php?newsID=13472&type=morning I really haven't shot much at all this year and my only tournament I shot for about 2 out 24 hours. So I'm really looking forward to getting out and shooting some bigheads.
Rural King on Morgan avenue??? Im hearing rumors of maby having to work Saturday,,if not I might swing by and say hey!
Well I cant make it. just found out I have to work Saturday. Will miss seeing you again, Tell K I said hey and was looking forward to meeting him..give him a wedgie to :p
Come to the weigh in on Sunday Morning!!!!! Maybe we'll go out and get some brunch. Hopefully, K, Ken and I will be coated with bighead slime from shooting a boatload of 50lbers.... but we're still good company. :D
I know ya would be and Im not afraid of slime either :p Its not meant to be I guess, I will be leaving early Sunday morning for a 3-D shoot in Scipio Indiana. Hey they have a Gander mt in E-ville if you guys need anything. Next time yall come to evansville give me a holler, maby ill be free!
Ah you putz! I'm blocking you on facebook. Have fun at the 3D shoot! (and at work) I'll try to kill a fish for you.