Almost got her tillered. Here she is at 55lbs at 25". Still got 4" to go. Having a heck of a time getting outer limbs bending. I just got done rawhide backing her. Hoping to hold 55-60lbs finished and shot in. Its going to be close.
This is where I have messed up other bows. The cell structure of the wood is resistent to bunch up. So the bowyer like me usually get aggitated and takes off a bunch of wood. Then when you go to shoot it in, you get weak spots. Only thing I can do is take it slow, excercise a bunch, and maybe sweat it. Sweating is keeping it strung for 4-10 hours. I never done it before and it causes some set, but hopefully behave.
it's hard to tell for sure from the picture but it looks like your tiller is really close! What wood is it? looks like Osage maybe? Can't wait to see it done!
Maybe thats what I was seeing, the outer ends of your limbs flatten out? Something looked a little off, this may be what you were talking of. Let us know how it shoots, i'll have my fingers crossed that your tiller stays and you'll have no string follow!
BC, best of luck to you using that bow. It must be quite a sense of accomplishment to arrow an animal with a bow you made yourself.
Thanks guys, I sweated it last night for 2 hours and wieght went to 55lb at 26. So I am going to shoot it about 20 times tonight, and start tillering again. Got to get it to 29".
Excellent work. You have come a long way. Looks good. I have not made a bow since last fall. I have some osage, hackberry, and elm waiting to be made into some selfbows. Its hard to get motivated since I moved. My new shop is tinny compared to my last one.
Thanks burnie. Got her to 26.5". Only got 2.5" to do. Also sweated the bow for 2 hours and did some short draw shots. Another thing I am doing is each time I change tiller, I sand down. My hope is I hit target wieght of 55-60lbs and not change much from finishing and shooting in. Maybe its a flawed plan.
Ok, here she is at 28". One inch to go. she is 57lbs now at 28". So any suggestions? Already sweated her for 4 hours, shot some short draw shots.
Heck of a good job As Montgomery Gentry says "That's Something to be Proud of". Nice work. I admire folks who can create bows like what you've done there.
I am always impressed with a guy that can kill a deer with one of those recureves. I would not hunt with one just because I am afraid I could not get close enough.