Ok here's my opening day experience guys. I got to my hang on stand about 20 minutes before daylight (that time when there's just a tad of light). I've got my bow in my sling hanging from the top climbing stick getting my release out of my backpack when I hear something. I slowly turn and there is a mature doe at 12 yards and I'm nowhere near ready. So I have to watch her walk off. I finish getting set-up because I'm now pumped up with excitment because of such an early encounter. about 45 minutes later there is movement coming into my shooting lane so I prepare to draw and it is a doe fawn still have some spots on its hind quarters. So I watch this fawn for around 20 mintues feeding. Again I'm pumped 2 deer sightings within an hour. I'm just positive I'll have one on the ground in the morning hunt. Well about 10 I see movement on in the distance about 80-90 yards away and low and behold its.....TRESPASSERS! I'm pissed at this point. They continue all the way up the hill, then down a tree line (all property I have sole permission to hunt). So I climb down out of my stand and come to find out they had shot a doe (I think the doe fawn I passed on) on a neighboring piece of land and was tracking it. So I was nice helped them track a little bit which was difficult because they had trampled all over the place. Well ends up I think they jumped the deer before it had died. I decided the best thing to do was be nice about it because I may need to track onto there land someday. Anyway went back that evening and there was no activity at all. Can't say I was surprised by that. To top it off it was a perfect opening morning. The temps were cool, it was foggy, and then overcast once the sun came up. Well anyway back to work this week and then back in the woods Friday.
Way to take the high road GABH. Do you know if they ever found the doe? Still sounds like a great day in the woods! How's life now that you don't have a countdown clock to look at?:D
As far as I know they never found it. I could only help them track for about half an hour because I had to be somewhere around 11:30. My countdown clock now is telling me how long I have left to hunt. :D