This morning I killed, a pretty nice non-typical buck in Ohio. He likely has 13 scorable points, and a few others that won't quite make an inch. I was set in a tree that I had found last week, and told myself (and a few others) that I would kill a buck there. I've never had more confidence in a spot in my life. Around 7:15 AM I catch a glimpse of rack coming thru the woods. First steps out a doe, headed straight for me. A few yards behind her was the buck (which at the time I thought was enormous) The doe walks by at 10 yds and at the pace the buck was coming this was going to be simple. But the doe got a little too far ahead of the buck, and he sped up. As he closed and kept moving, the softer maaa's didn't work so I dang near hollered to get him to stop. And he did, just for a moment. I swing the pin on him and just as I release he lurched forward and my arrow hit back.....WAY back. He runs off to about 50 yds, where in desperation for the bad shot I try to get another arrow in him to no avail. He takes off and both deer head into some brush, but only the doe came out. I picked out some movement and it was the buck, struggling to stay up. He finally slumps down, but his head keeps fighting to stay up, and after a few more seconds, it stayed down for good. A couple calls and 400 texts, and 30 minutes later. I climb down and head over to my trophy. There was a little ground shrinkage, but he still will likely be my highest scoring buck.
Great buck Ryan!!I would have shot him in a heart beat.I like the racks that have character like that.
Great Job! That's a very nice buck with lots of character. Looks like you caught his liver. What were a couple of things that made you feel good about your set up?
isnt that the truth bro.... 1,000 txts later! i almost drop my phone after i've shot a deer and then head straight to the phone, shaking soooooooooo bad!!!! man couldnt be happier for you!
The spot was a little flat round-top with a couple hollows leading down & out on each side. On the one side was a very dense greenbriar thicket that led out right to the flat. There were several rubs on trees 3-4” in dia. It was a hub of intersecting trails next to an awesome bedding area. The kind of spots you just don’t find everyday. No, Fran was hunting a separate tract of public land.