She holds a dozen arrows,hides my fletchings from turkeys, is easily attached to my pack, can be moved from one pack to the next, and I don't have to disconnect it from my bow when I get in the stand, blind, or have a heavy in the hand bow while stalking elk. My CAT QUIVER MINI. I have a Cat Quiver VI, and I just bought this Cat Quiver Mini so that I can place this on my Badlands 2200 or my Horn Hunter pack pictured here. It also has a shoulder strap and I can just carry it alone if I want. No more disconnecting my quiver and hanging it in the tree. I will just hang pack and all, and I am set. Currently out of my 3 Elites, only my GTO has a bow mounted quiver on it, and I will likely keep them this way. These Cat Quivers are neat.
Cool. I'm not a big fan of packing alot of stuff into the bush, but to each his/her own. Now, the big were obviously planning on taking pictures for the boards, and BH still conciously made the choice to put them pants on?
lol. She had her jammys on and I grabbed her and said,"here, I want a couple pics of you with my new pack and quiver on." This is a small whitetail pack and the 2200 is more for elk hunting. I like carrying a dozen arrows when out in the mountains elk hunting. Who knows what might happen or how long you may be away from camp lost, stranded, hurt.etc. The cat quiver mini can go by itself like I said and then I am going lite with just a bow and arrrow. I just hate shooting or still hunting with a quiver on my bow. I never hunt with one and my bowholder on my Lone Wolf won't even work with the quiver on a bow.
Here are some more pics. This Horn Hunter pack has some great features for attaching a bow and this quiver to. I attach the quiver where you see the 2 buckles undone.If I was left handed, the other side of the pack has the same feature. The bow attaches in the middle of the pack and I like how it has protective sleeves that attach to the riser instead of to the string like some packs have. Also it attaches with 2 quiet buckles and no velcro. Not to mention it is PREDATOR(oh yea baby)