Great job! I have all the components together to build a homebrew around a Sony s600, just haven't started it yet. I can't wait to see some pictures from yours. Blessings.....Pastorjim
I am using the yeti-board. Is your board a simple sniper? What camera did you use in your build. I can see it's a Sony but what model is it. Blessings.....Pastorjim
It looks like a turd!! I've been tossing around the idea of making a homebrew, was always worried about screwing it up.
It's fairly easy if you can solder. The hardest part is the hacl and then just figure out what size case you will need, arrange where you want everything and start building.
Doublelung, My camera is hacked but I don't where to begin with connecting it to the board or the batteries. If you can offer any advice, I will appreciate it. Blessings.....Pastorjim
I can sure try...does your board need to be soldered to or can you screw the wires in. If you can post a close up of the board that would be great.