I had the camera set up field-side, and while the farmer was bailing today i went and checked it. It had only taken a few pictures. I don't know if it was aimed to low, or if their was no deer, or if it was just missing pictures. It didn't take any of his tractor moving by so i think i had it aimed at an angle into the ground. Anyways, i moved it farther into the woods and noticed a TON of deer tracks on this property. I set it up where a few trails come together on a ridge, it should take some nice pics if i leave it for awhile. The trails are about 150 yards from the stump lick. ...also i jumped a nice little buck today on the walk out..good sign, but im mad it did it A select few of the bunch,
Well, my newest spot failed again too. Not a single picture of an animal This has been a bad month for trail cams But i did jump a nice 2.5 on my way to check it, And for some good news, my Stealth cam finally came: