This jackass on the right has to follow me now everytime I head out to the stand hee hawin all the way down the damn fenceline.
Tony, Cool pics! At first it seems kind of neat but that may alert the deer. When I hunt near cattle I hide on them, otherwise, they follow me mooing all the way until I cross their fence. Then they stand there mooing like crazy, echoing through out the valley! Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I try to avoid that situation if possible.
I agree Greg its like thee ol slammin the truck door shut and alerting them situation. But then again I have squirrels up at Dales that alerts me everytime a deer is heading my way. Ive manage to kill 2 bucks and 2 does because of him/her. They seem to alert me everytime from the same old tree.
Steve i wish I could remember what the owner named that mule. The dude makes killer money training show horses now if he could just train that jackass to shutup we would be ok, lol
That wouldn't work Jeff, he'd expect It every time and would be a heehawing till he got It. I pick up milk at dairy farms every day, cows moo when they know their going to get fed. I think you need to some how hide from this JA Peak when going out hunting.
I work with several jackasses, so I'm good at reading their lips and body language. I'm guessing he's saying something along the lines of........... :D :D
LOL Isaiah. I ate a protein bar while on stand yesterday and should of taken it out the wrapper and kept it in a zip lock before I went hunting.
Can you walk by my stand lets say around 5pm tonight please with antlers on. Wait your like a chick so you dont need any.:-) You know the admin is a diehard cubs fan and this could be grounds for a good ol 3 day ban. hahahah
I don't know how whitetail react to a domisticated donkey but in the Gila area of New Mexico wild burros are abundent. Elk do not pay them any attention whatsover. I once had a lone bull (at least I thought) come over a saddle I was hunting. Not 10-20 yards behind him were two burros. There was no question they were actually travelling together. They are just as wild as the elk and the extra set of eyes made it impossible for me to get a shot. So instead of thinking of him as a hindrance, maybe think of him as a live decoy.
This is the only piece I have left and 3 guys hunting it. I will send you map a bit later of the place.