Well I went out to check the mail, tripped over a box(more about that later) and this fell into my arms....
LOL! Gotta go shoot her! Thanks god it rained today, otherwise I wouldn't of seen this until tonight when I got home from work! I'll post some more of her when I get back!
Thanks Jeff, almost the same grip as the Mohawk! makes for an easy switch, same arrows. She really zips them down range. Going to go with 100gr inserts instead of the 50's I'm using with the hawk!
I know exactly who made that Knife , my good man Robtattoo . That knife is a keeper Joe and a workhorse . Enjoy the new bow and enjoy the Robtattoo huntsman knife , thats a sweet hunting set-up you got . Did you order the knife direct or you acquired it from somebody else , how's Rob doing since he moved to Tennessee , has he settled in ?
Dave its a new to me knife that's just a few months old. Got a great deal I couldn't say no to! I can't wait to gut one with it!