My new hunting Rig for this season.This Bow is bad to the bone and really lives up to all the hype.I have not decided on which quiver or arrows to use this season,ideas are welcomed.I will be using Nap Bloodrunners on what ever arrows I decide on.This Rig is just down right Lethal.:evil: :d :d 09 Hoyt AlphaMax 32 Bone Collector Edition 70#-29 inch Copper Johns 5 pin sight Qad Ultra Pro Rest Custom Strings and Cables Simms S-Coil Stabilizer Fletcher 3/16" peep Even my dog likes the new Bow.
Nice looking bow ya got there! It seems everything has a bonecollector name on it this year. That Waddell guy might be able to retire on the Royalties after this season.:d
Thanks guys!! Im takin her to the range for the first time tomorrow.I need to get alot of practice and I mean alot of practice in before the GTG in a month.
Even though it's a Hoyt, I have to admit that is a sharp looking set up. I take it will make it's debut at the GTG?
Awesome rig. The Alpha Max seems to be a heck of a bow. I only put 4 shots through one and really want to shoot it some more.
Doc, that's pretty freakin sweet right there... I like it! I wouldn't worry too much about the GTG, the former champ is like 86 years old. :D
great looking rig you have got there!! im thinking about getting a hoyt my next bow purchase. i love what they have done to them past few years!