Huntingson.. I knew this Q would eventually come up. It was the last proverbial straw. I have encounters with yotes all the time and have had them for many years.. a few hunts they've botched on does for me. And I've had them get to my downed whitetail before I could.. which really has ticked me off.. but I got over it. In fact.. I'm actually over my Sunday morning hunt as well already... cause I know that stuff happens.. and I can't always control it. But this was the last straw. The population around me is WAY out of wack and I'm tired of watching them botch my hunts up. Now.. you must understand what I mean by I see alot of yotes every year to get an example of the population here. I saw about 50 yotes last year alone. One evening I saw 11 from stand!!! It's only been 4 weeks into the season and I'm up to 4 seperate sightings in like 12 sits. Thats 1 out of 3 sits I encounter one. So.. this past hunt finally has convinced me to take as many out as possible. I haven't done it before because frankly I hate wasting an arrow on even 1 of them and I certainly don't eat them which presents a moral dilema. But I'm gonna look at it like they are already dead.. they just don't know it yet. Hope this clarifies my approach.
I hear you about wasting an arrow on them. $12 arrow for a $0.25 mangy wild dog. I used to feel exactly like you did. However, I finally decided that I like quail, rabbits, and fawns much better than coyotes. Now if I could just kill all the damn feral cats. Sounds like you have a real problem out there. I hope you are able to get it under control