Peak, Menards carries log siding. It comes from meadow valley log homes. I would check w/ meadow valley because they may have seconds that they would sell cheaper. I bought some from them. They have smooth log or a knifed look. The seconds I bought from them were great. If the ends are bad or if there are knots missing they can't sell them to menards. I just trimmed the ends and cut out the spots where the knots fell out. MM, nice cave!
That's a sweet lookin set up you've got there man. Looks like you've got just about any and every tool an archer needs!
I was blown away when I opened the thread... that looks FANTASTIC!!!! You have every right to be EXTREMELY proud!
Wow its great to see my room inspired some of you guys, thats cool. Im glad you all like it I know I do. I should warn those that are jumping into building there own cave. You will be told time and time again that you are spending far to much time down there once finished.
Fran, I'm already being told that and I'm still working on it. Oh and my thread is in the Water Cooler with your props already.
You can purchase a 4x10 sheet of 12ga,14ga,16ga,18ga and so on copper sheeting, the thicker the better, I went with 16 and wish I shelled out the extra cash for the 12ga. Copper is really expensive now, I bought and had mine custom bent back when it was just starting to take off. Where to buy I found it at a roofing company that made copper gutter systems. Rob, this thread is like a stimulus package! Only not as dirty:evil:
Looks really nice except the "Busch Light" can, that is where it has got to stop. Now if that was a Labatt or Yuengling, then you'd be alright. For those cabinet doors, if you are a handy wood worker, you could do it fairly inexpensive using a router, and some 1x3 boards and ply panels. I think if it were me, that's what I've be doing.
What's a Bush light? Oh isn't that the beer my poor friends drank in collage! I only drink Labatt Blue Light and that is what that is right there skippy. (light beer once a tummy started to show.) Yuengling makes my friends stink and go potty alot:huh: My first idea was to salvage some barn boards and build rustic looking cabinets but my buds think it goes against the rest of the decore. They're saying the same as you mentioned. The plan is to have two cabinets on the outsides and a couple 6" drawers in the middle towards the top with an opening for feet and most likely clutter. G, first off the work will pay off with the end result. I slapped up some paint in my laundry room on the block walls. It's ok but nothing to take a picture of and gawk at. I like where you're going. Not sure what the hell you're talking about regarding your ceiling. I meen I think I do but what lighting would you expect on that sort of setup. I get the rafter idea and like it but not sure what lighting would look good. The look of the underside of a tin roof vs the lights needed might clash. Clue me in.
I see where you're going. That's a sweet idea and easy too. Plus in the unlikely event the roof of the house blows away, the man cave will be dry! Separate switches is the way I went and it works out great.
Jeff, one step further with the tin roof idea. My future brother-in-law actually put tin-sheeting material on the underside of his ceiling in his den. It actually turned out neat, but I would think it fits more into an industrial feel than a rustic. He doesn't have much rustic going on in the room, unless you want to consider the oak wainscoting, lol:D
Think I am right way more then just once. But let me know when you want me over to start working on it. As long as I get a key to the door i'm in. I will even provide a ton of dvd's for the video library! And beer for the fridge!
My bad, I swear on my sorry old monitor at home it looked like BUSCH Light, I think I need a new monitor!!!