Ok there's my love as of yet...Its not finished as you can see but I chip away with a fireman salary as I can. I just hung that door but am not done yet cuz I gotta buy more shims and close that door gap some more.(I hope that does it) Before anyone says anything about it, the sheet rock walls are a sweet textured paint that don't photo well, they're a rusty red NOT PINK! The view from the door is what I'm working on now. A Family room and bar area. You can see my coal stove (installed this fall)firing PA's Finest warming my home. BTW I totally gutted the basement when I bought the place. It was bad down there. I haven't settled on a flooring yet but at least the surround sound and flat screen takes your attention off the floor as of yet. O and I know I need a bigger fly tying bench Where my favorite black chair is, I'm not sure yet what to do there. Any ideas welcome!
Oh and some day I'm going to close off the front of that bench with cabinets and drawers. Anyone wanna sponser my room?:d
Wow, man. That is really cool. I have a man room, but I ain't no where near your level yet. Thanks for sharing.
MM, looks great, love the log siding and all the decor so far, if there is any advice I would give it would be to keep your concrete ... as CONCRETE.. nothing like having a floor that you CANT hurt. not to mention my kids cant screw it up! I had my concrete "Stamped" and it looks awesome, maybe thats kind of the same thing Jeff is talking about. Mine is done in dark forest green stamping and it looks like a wicked camo pattern of stone.. and its bullet proof. I NEED a high bench like you have.. thats my next addition to mine, either that or a bar. Good luck with the rest of it.. keep us posted.. nice pink walls by the way.. Just kidding.. I read the post. !
Looks awesome! I also second the stain/etching of the concrete floor. My workshop in my new house will have that done eventually, and so will my garage. It looks GREAT, and if done right, the appearance lasts forever. I see you flyfish...mind checking out my thread in the water cooler, and dropping an opinion? :D
Do they sale that log siding at home depot or menards? I have this huge garage we do not park in so I am thinking of a man room in there. Ferg mentioned this when he was over and by gosh I think he is right for once.
You guys are killing me with the man cave pics! Mine was a work in progress, then it turned into an extra bedroom when the baby was born.LOL I might have to buy a Cook building and have a man shack. Place looks great Fran, nice work.
Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it. Friends and I did all the work. It pays to have friends that know what they're doing. That log siding was up when I bought the home but we had to take most of the walls down and re-build them the right way. Actually that cave was all log wall but I needed to us some so I went rock on interior walls. Never seen it at a home depot type place but most lumber mills have jigs for that sort of thing. I like the stain etch concrete idea I'll look into that. stikbow, I'll check out the website! And Hey never pick on another mans blankee!
Bought time you shared this with us :d Hey, I love it, it looks HOT like my nephew would say :d How does one come about a copper counter top? I did not know there was such an animal Your comming along very very well, it looks great!! PS: If you didnt notice, there is a buck trying to sneak in that window