I have been trying to upload all my pictures tonight but photobucket is not being nice right now. Will try again tomorrow. Great review John!
Nice job John! One of these days i'll make the trip out west to hit the show circut, I would love to see some of those monster whitetails!!
I stopped by and said hey but couldn't stick around and chat for very long. Ya'll had one of the busiest booths there...
We stayed pretty dang busy. Only a couple of times did the show really die down for us, usually about an hour before closing or whenever the seminars started. When I did break away, I went and pestered the Rut Junkies in the booth across from us. Overall, the show seemed less busy than usual. Saturday midday was ridiculously crowded as usual. Otherwise there was always something to do. (though we never did straighten our banners) I lost count of how many balloons I had to blow up. (I did quickly learn not to look across at Dan or John while blowing one up)
Not to mention damn near took our eyes out with those rubber bands! Johnny was the culprit there! :d It was great getting to know you Christine. Someday I'm coming down to shoot some fish!
I'm skilled in the arts of many weapons.... Deb started the rubberband thing anyway, you just didn't notice because she couldn't hit the broadside of booth. Good thing she can shoot a bow.
Mitch, we were all there because we heard you were going to be there. Here you can see how excited JZ is when he sees the bowfishing booth. Johnny is pretty darn excited too.
Who is this Johnny you are referring to? I only see a retarted JZ, Mrs. JZ, Mrs. Duke, the back of dukes head and Greg Miller.
I think it was Deb (Lady Forge) that said he looked like a cross between Greg Miller and Jim Varney. :d Is that correct Christine?