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My hunting days off of work???

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by Indiana Hunter, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. Indiana Hunter

    Indiana Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 19, 2010
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    Northwest Indiana
    Right now I have the 26th of October thru the 2nd of November off of work to hunt. I'm thinking that these days I will hunt everyday morning and night, adjusting accordingly to wind and deer movement. I was planning on coming in for late lunch, maybe 12:30 to 1:30 and then going back out till dark.

    I would have liked to have the following week off, but a lady at work already has it off so that is a no go.

    If you guys had these dates of the year off of work to hunt, how would you hunt them???
  2. Nusterboys

    Nusterboys Newb

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Omaha, Nebraska, United States
    I would say your plan is pretty good except for one thing. Once the rut kicks off (or even pre-rut for that matter), I wouldn't leave the stand unless I had to. I know a lot of guys who have taken nice bucks right in the middle of the day. If you have those days off, pick some of the best ones and pack a sandwich to the stand. Stay there all day and you may be suprised what wanders by at noon.

    This last Saturday, I took two hours to climb out of my stand and get a sandwich at my truck. While I was sitting there eating, I looked in my rear view mirror and there were two does standing 30 yards from my truck. Deer were moving at midday. In any case, have a great season.
  3. Bandersnatch

    Bandersnatch Newb

    Oct 13, 2011
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    South Central, MI
    Excellent point. Instead of having that sandwich in the truck, have one or two made and packed in a back-pack. Even finding some room in your jacket to put a snack would be good; whatever you have to do to keep yourself in the stand during the rut because they move at all hours of the day. I have sat all day a few times and it is very important to bring plenty of food and water for the day, so a back-pack is recommended.

    Personally, the first week of November has been good to me every year and many other hunters that hunt the Midwest. I would get the first week of November off next time because it seems to be the best "seeking" period for dominant bucks based on my research.
  4. PCOutfitters

    PCOutfitters Weekend Warrior

    Sep 1, 2011
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    Popple Creek, Minnesota
    ^^ X2. Many many hunters believe that from 10 to 2 is the magic time during the rut. And if i had those 2 days off to hunt, then i would use them for what i took them off for. Hunt all day, kill something, sleep with my bow, repeat.
  5. BowFreak

    BowFreak Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 5, 2010
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    I have almost the same time off, just a little longer. I have the 27th through the 7th off. Like others have said, pack some food and water and get ready. The biggest part of hunting all day for me is the mental part. Thats what I have to get my myself ready for. I believe you have selected some very good days off and you have a game plan........good luck my friend!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Indiana Hunter

    Indiana Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 19, 2010
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    Northwest Indiana
    Thanks for the advice and tips guys. Hunting all day does not bother me at all. I can sit all day if I have to. I just didn't know if those dates were a tad bit to early to be sitting all day?

    This will be my first attempt at a whole week of hunting, my season ended early last year, which I had no problem with :D I'm going to think positive though and say hopefully I can get it done this coming weekend.

    Good luck to you guys!!!

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