Tuesday I went home on my lunch hour and was overcome by this awful stench in my house. I thought it was our septic tank letting gases into the house. I checked all the drains, toilets, showers, etc. No stink there, I checked the water heater and furnace..hoping it wasn't a gas leak. Nope, that wasn't it. I was running out of options and about to gag....so I called a plumber. He couldn't come out until Wednesday afternoon....so we stayed at my parents house until he could come out. I met him at the house and he assured my the septic tank and vents were working fine. All he said was "Something is dead in or under your house." I started looking in closets, under cabinets, beds, etc. Nothing. He started to get under my house (which is impossible) and opened the crawlspace door. We both about gagged.....smells like death. The only thing I can think is.....I had a foundation vent that was pulled loose about 2 weeks ago. We also did have (haven't seen it for about 2 weeks :huh: ) a yellow cat that wasn't acting right. We think the cat gimped under the house and I sealed its fate when I fixed the foundation vent. :mad1: Oh my lord...I've opened the vents and been using candles/febreeze. The old lady is about to shoot me. Any tips to get this thing to stop stinking? I don't know WHERE its at....and even if I did, there is no room to get under the house to retreive the dead critter. My life will be hell for the next month or so.....this stinks!
get a spotlight and go fishing for that thing until you can drag it out. That sucks, i know how bad a little mouse can smell cant imagine a 15 pound cat
Oh man its only going to get worse with the warmer weather coming up! Careful on leaving it open, something might make a nest in their this time of the season!
Dave .....LOL !!! Sorry.... had to laugh :d Pay your son handsomely to go under there and get it out .... it HAS to be removed or you will have worse thru the summer ...... Andrew is small ... he can do it ....we'll make a road trip and come over
Without a doubt masking the scent right now is the least of your worries. Get that thing out of there!
Had that happen to a neighbor when I was a kid....I was the one who had to go under the house. To this day the worst smell I've ever encountered. He puked when I brought it out.
Man I hate it for you but at the same time its pretty funny. Give it like 6 weeks and you will look back and laugh.