these are my first 2 armguards made from my old deer hides. the first 2 pics are the first one i made, basically just a trial run at making one. the second i made slightly wider, used more dye and wood burnt a sketch i made last night onto it. i think they turned out alright for being new to making stuff with leather. my next project is to make a quiver, but i'm undecided on the actual design, i have 3 decent ideas/ patterns. hope you all like my armguards.
If I was smart enough to use one, I would buy it! Especially for first time attempts! They do look great!
I just finished tanning two deer hides, I might turn one into an arm guard. Ive got a quiver or two to make with the other. I also finished up with a coon and bobcat that are in the works for a plains style quiver. All I need is time to work on them. Again, great work.
thanks for all the nice comments everyone, i'm currently makin a back quiver, not sure it'll turn out as good as my armguards though, i'm finding it to be alot more difficult because i'm just making up my own pattern and this being the first it's a pain. i will post pics of it though even if it doesnt turn out good. thanks again everyone
nope, i've been looking all over the net at different kinds of stuff i could make with my deer hides. actually i may have seen one made from gar, but can't say for sure. i'm almost done with the quiver i'm making, just a few more things and i'll post it up for everyone to check out. thanks for all the nice comments too
hey this is the firsttime ive been in this part of the forum and i wanted to say that sketch of a deer u did is sweet i have a tattoo on my elbow of something really close to that
im just so glad to see other recurve hunters "cries in joy" ahh i startled my target argh " bowman suicide >.<