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my graveyard deer

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by mudnation 1, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. mudnation 1

    mudnation 1 Weekend Warrior

    Jun 11, 2009
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    southwestcity missouri
    I hunt southern missouri and one of my best locations so far has been what I call my freezer meat spot which is a sububan area just off of graveyard. This spot is full of does and I have no problem picking out a few for the freezer every year, but I have never once seen a buck not even a button buck and all the fawns I watched grow up there I swear were all female. I dont even see any close to rut. On this small acreage I have seen 20 does in one setting. Will the bucks just not come that close to town or are the does just traveling to them during the rut? I have only hunted with a bow religously the last few years and that is all I can hunt with in this area. I would love to find a buck in this area.

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