I am set at 28.5. Its hard to tell in this picture with the background but the string just touches my nose. Thanks BC, I got it from this forum I heard about..you should check it out.:d
I think your form looks very simular to mine so it must be pretty damn good!:d I shoot a slightly shorter draw for the reason that it can be helpfull when shooting from a treestand in sometimes awkward positions. When I started shooting archery I used a 28 inch draw but now I am at 27.
The biggest issue I see is that you are leaning back pretty far. Try standing more upright before you draw your bow, concentrate on staying upright and then draw the bow back without leaning back.
It does not look bad, but there are three things I see that could be improved on. 1. I believe you DL is a touch too short. Your anchor point is great, the nock should be centered in your eye, which it is. However, IMO you have too much bend in your bow arm. If you were able to extend it a touch more it would help with being able to use your back mucsles to hold while pushing with the bow arm. 2. Your release is too high up your arm. Try moving it down further into your hand and tighting. This should help with getting your draw arm in direct line with your arrow. 3. You have a lean in your upper body. Square up, stand tall and concentrate on keeping the middle of your body in line. You have a nice releaxed release hand and from the picture it appears your bow is in the correct spot on your hand. Tweek your DL, relase placement and your stance and you are going to be great shape.
I'd agree w/buckeye. Your leaning a little too far back. I'm not sure about the fore arm being bent, because pics are a little deceiving. When I was at my pro shop, he noticed that I was doing the same thing, & acutually shortened my DL by a 1/2". But that might be because my bow arm was straighter. Try the suggestions here, & take another pic of yourself.