Wow after a lot of looking i finally found my very first shed ever, pretty neat shed to it is a six with to kickers at the base, here are some pics
Congrats, I still remember my first shed I found. It was last year and I was pretty dishearten after crawling through some nasty nasty stuff all day. Well, as I was walking on a fairly light trail back to my truck I stumbled across a tiny little guy. It picked up my spirits and I ended up picking up three more before I stopped looking for the year. In all honesty, it looks eerily similar to the shed you found, just smaller, like it has been shrunk in the clothes dryer.
Awesome find. I always thought that the first one is the hardest one to find. (even first of the year) When you see that bone laying there on the ground, you realize it isn't that hard to do (assuming you are looking where there are antlers :d ) Hoping you find many more...... CONGRATS