After going through four sets of batteries and finally setting up some food infront of my camera I got some pictures of a doe. I was really hoping to get some pictures of bucks to see if they still had their antlers on, but oh well.
haha yeah I noticed my camera was a little high. I had it mounted about chest height, but I think I put the grain a little too close to the camera aswell. These pics are from the V650. We have been having some pretty good weather up here lately. Nothing warm enough to melt any snow other than the stuff on the roads to make them nice and sloppy. Still have a foot or so in the fields. The one neat thing with the set of pictures that I got is that you can see where that little skuff in her hair came from. She ended up being infront of the camera for almost 40min eating my grain I set out. Too bad nothing else came through.
Yeah I think I'm going to have to try that. Thanks. I took my camera down since I'm selling it to get a bushnell trophy cam. Once I get that one I'll play with how I set it up.
Good choice haha i have had my troubles with my stealthcam as well, i had the sniper pro..... I will be buying a cudde next time