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My First Hunt and Going Solo

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Agi Ambre, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. Agi Ambre

    Agi Ambre Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2020
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    San Diego
    I'm setting up for my first hunt in 2 weeks. I spend at least 3 hours a week at the range. I've competed in 6 3d archery tournaments in my area and regularly place and beat my previous score each time. I have also been conditioning myself to use by bow with my hiking pack.

    I still feel I have NO CLUE what I'm doing. I've never hunted or killed a mammal in my life. I am going for Coyote, Rabbit, or Raccoon. This is what I'd call a scrimmage hunt. Also an opportunity to scout for spots for later in the season. I am hiking in about 3-5 miles to the 3 spots I've scouted on public land.

    What should I really be preparing for? What should I make sure I pack? I'm really hopping to get some practical feedback from experience. There is only so much I can learn from Youtubers who only show their successful hunts. I found one guy who gave good instructions on setting up using shrubs or rock beds as a ground blind. I've also been given some amazing advice on what calls and how to set up for the coyotes.
    Am I just WAY over thinking this?
  2. Wedes

    Wedes Weekend Warrior

    Jul 4, 2021
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    Rainier, Washington
    Probably. The field is a good teacher. It will also help you develop questions that people here will be able to help with. Coyotes are not an easy hunt to start with so maybe temper expectations. Nothing more fun than daytime coon calling.

    Have fun!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  3. Justin

    Justin Administrator

    Jul 24, 2008
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    I'd say you're way overthinking it - especially if you're just going after small game. Most of us learned how to chase those critters around as kids with no YouTube to guide us. Just go out and use your head. Think about what the animal is doing and what you're doing to try and get close enough for a shot. Don't move when they're looking at you. Be purposeful in your movements. And make the shot count when the time comes.

    The best teacher is experience.

    For the record, you're a better man than I am. No way in hell I'm hiking 3 miles to try and shoot a coyote or a rabbit. LOL
    Agi Ambre likes this.
  4. Agi Ambre

    Agi Ambre Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2020
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    San Diego
    I live in San Diego. The only areas where I can safely shoot a coyote with my bow are marked as wild life preserves or private land. I've been trying to find people who have land willing to let me hunt and they all seem to miss understand "conservation" and think we're monsters. The range I practice at is on a wildlife preserve that i hike often. I have seen dozens of coyotes, and only 1 family of deer. It's the only time I've seen a buck 3x3 with a doe and fawn in all of San Diego county.
    I'm taking this hike as an opportunity to scout areas for fall turkey and possibly deer next year. I've learned a lot in theory, I've worked on my mechanics and shooting. Now is just time for the pretest, so to speak.
    There are rabbits in the community that I live in. I can just imagine the look on my neighbors face as they're watching a rabbit forage on their lawn and then all off a sudden it's spiked to the ground.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2021
    virginiashadow likes this.
  5. Trevor Clark

    Trevor Clark Newb

    Jul 22, 2021
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    That's cool
  6. Trevor Clark

    Trevor Clark Newb

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Do u have any one to go with ever

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