On 1/07/10 I was finally at the right place at the right time! After locating the bedding area of a big buck I hung a stand right outside in hopes of catching him slipping in or out right at dusk. I had been putting corn out every couple of days since the Sunday my dad and I hung the stand. On Thursday morning four bucks came in for a bite to eat. Two nice bucks and two smaller bucks; neither of the two nice ones were the big boy we were hunting, but certainly had my adrenaline pumping. Patiently waited from twenty feet above I let the bucks settle in and get a bit more comfortable before attempting a shot. I anticipated a wide 8 pt. presenting me a broadside shot so I pulled my Switchback to full draw. Unfortunately the buck simply turned his head and did not take a step so I let my string back down. I then decided whichever buck presented me with the perfect shot first I would take a shot. Having never taken a deer with a bow I knew I would be thrilled with either of these two nice bucks. Then the other of the two descent bucks turned broadside at twenty-five yards. I placed my pin behind the front shoulder and squeezed one off. I watched the buck run 75 yards from the tree and fold up in the grown up field. Finally after two seasons of only hunting with my bow all the hard work and practice paid off! I also included two pictures of the big buck we are chasing and the last pic taken of my deer @ 7:11am (I harvested it at 7:15am). You can even see my truck parked in the background which I thought was pretty cool.
Wow congrats on an awesome buck and your first!! I sure wish my first would have looked like that!!! Congrats again.. Walt