To the guys at Bowhunt or Die: This last year, I have been watching all your shows through Roku, getting caught up. I am a new hunter, this is my third season, second with Bow. I had some great encounters last year but impatience and inexperience meant I had nothing for the freezer. Your show however has both inspired me and caused me to reevaluate my approach. I practiced my archery, hard all summer, got my form down and bow tuned to perfection. I have spent the last year envisioning the perfect shot and on Oct 3rd just past I arrowed my first Deer with a perfect pass through on both lungs. It was a heart-pounding and life affirming moment for me. I sat 5 hours in my stand being driven demented by endless chipmunk and squirrel fights. Patience pad off. For those interested, I used a 3rd hand old Darton marauder (or maverick) . I had it refurbished last year for my own needs and despite it's age (12 yrs) it is a truly excellent bow, fast and quiet and provides great penetration.I made a perfect shot right behind the left shoulder on a moving target.I did not want to call out to stop the Deer and have him spook or see me. So,thanks again. Your show has kept the fire burning while I made peace with last years failure and spent the whole year planning new stands and getting my skills up to speed. Oh, the Deer incidentally was a nice size Buck with an odd, 9 point rack, small and somewhat deformed, with two little kickers off the brow tines.He will certainly fill my little freezer however and for that I am grateful.His rack will go nicely next to the spike I shot-gunned for my first ever Deer harvested back in 2011. Onwards and Upwards!
Way to get it done. You have an iron will for staying that long in the stand after a kill shot. Congrats!
Congrats but we need deer porn. This is like getting a Playboy magazine opening it up to find no pictures? !
congratulations buddy...hard work pays matter the size of the deer it's the experience and fun of the hunt and it definitely sounds like you had a great time..keep up the good work.