So as a was perusing the isles of gander mountain after work today, I took notice to a lot of different things. 1. Apparently no one works there. 2. They have more magical deer attractant with celebs on the bags/bottles/buckets than I have hairs on my head. 3. I might have met my future wife...blonde, and smokin' hot...but that dude she was with was about 3x my size and they way they were holding hands...I'm not convinced they are brother and sister...this isn't the state of....well nvm 4. I helped the new guy getting into bowhunting more than the "archery tech" did, he told me that...It made me feel all warm and fuzzy and stuff. 5. Broadheads cost a lot of money But as I glanced at every broadhead on the shelf, I noticed at the bottom a cheap price tag...three packs of Rocky MTN snyper 125 grain for the kicker...10$/pacK? I've heard pretty good things about these what was the deal with that? Did somehting go down I didn't hear of? Recall? Or IDK..? If you shoot 125 gr Synpers, or any 125 grain heads I can pick them up for you tomorrow if anyone is interested. I think the exact amount was like 9.87 or something. Let me Know, I'll see if they are still there. Again--maybe an older style synper for 10$ 125 gr.
Sounds like a deal....are they two blade or three...cause I might be very interested in two packs or so if they are two blade.
hmmm....i just did some digging may be because they have gone to their new "Devastator" tip.
I to did some bargain shopping at Gander mt a couple days ago. found a half dozen 2315 bare aluninum shafts for $20.00.. dont ask why im using them for, that will come latter. LOL!
actually i already know what im doing with them, but im not telling yet :evil: Im still trying to figure out if im crazy for thinking what im thinking about doing :d
Bloodcrik- you should use them for rock holders. Would make great decorations for the front yard. Drill two holes in the bottom of your rock and use them as welcome signs!!!
I found about the same deal last year. I bought 2 packs. I was just in the Terre Haute GM Sunday and they didn't have any. I did pick up a nice turkey vest for $49.