We started getting pics of this buck last year in late June. He had a crooked left brow, so we named him Nixon. He ended up being a very nice 9 point last year with good tines, but I thought he was only 3.5 years old and was hoping to see him live another year. I actually think he was a 4.5 year old last year, now. Well, he made it through last year without anyone even seeing him. Nixon 2012 Here's a couple velvet pics of him from this year, 2013. Opening day of the WI bow season I had this buck at 35 yards at dark, but no shot opportunities. The next weekend I set my nephew in that stand and he saw him do the exact same thing. This buck was extremely patternable, but I had zero time to hunt up at the cabin and couldn't get up there. I pretty much gave up bowhunting in WI this year to spend 12 days in Ontario earlier this month chasing whitetails. This past Tuesday my dad, brother and I were up at the cabin hanging a stand for gun season for my brother. I kept telling dad that he needed to be in his stand, because every year at this time we have mid day pics of big mature bucks in front of it. He had a meeting he needed to be at Thursday morning and I told him he needed to get in his stand as soon as he gets to the cabin after the meeting. Yesterday at 2:45 I called the cabin and his cousin told me he was out in his stand. I immediately sent him a text saying, "You listened! You're out hunting!" He said, "Of course, but no deer yet." The picture Brad posted in the other thread is what transpired 40 minutes later..... So, just before he shot the buck, he was falling asleep. His phone started vibrating in his pocket from a call and when he opened his eyes this buck was standing at 35 yards quartering away. He quick grabbed his crossbow, put his 30 yard pin behind the shoulder and squeezed the trigger. He made a perfect quartering away heart shot, anchoring his bolt in the far shoulder. Amazingly, the buck never took off. He took two steps towards my dad, laid down and had his head up. Very shortly, the buck just laid his head down and died. A picture with the bolt still in him. A couple more hero shots. Like I said in the other thread, this buck means more to me than any deer I have ever shot, or probably will shoot. This is the first buck my dad has ever shot with archery equipment in his life. In fact, I believe its the biggest buck he has ever shot with any weapon. He's 73 and didn't take up archery until last year. Most of his life he dedicated to his businesses and our family. He worked his *** off to provide us with the land we have to hunt on today and other opportunities that we never would have had, had it not been for his dedication to the family. Congrats again dad, you deserve it.
That's a great buck, congrats to your Dad. Quite the story as well. It's truly amazing how some things just come together at the right time.
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said... I rate this thread 10 Kick@$$'s 10 Awesomes 10 Suuuweeet's 20 Congratulatons!!!!