The title says it all.. Dont get me wrong, these pictures are awesome, and i have alot of history and pictures of this buck (Halloween Buck), he's a chub (look at that body!) no doubt.... But look closely at this last picture. Mr. Droptine comes back into the frame to the right, and another buck is towards the upper center left. When you zoom in you can see that he is no slouch. Two mature bucks, 1045 AM, and i can almost guarantee you that they locked horns off camera. Damn. BTW, ive only hunted this piece a few times since i nailed my doe, and i have a coveted north wind in the AM. Its on.
Tomorrow guys. I have 2 tests tonight that im studying for now, but i have all day off tomorrow. I will be in that piece of woods if i get a north wind. If its south ill be back out to the ridge-top stand. Trust me its killing me that im not out there.
Like I said in the other thread....stand time! Get those test taken and start living in a treestand! :D
Man, you've certainly got some great property to hunt Caleb. It's got to be hard to focus on those tests with that going on. Study hard and get them out of the way and then get on those bucks! Good luck.
Biggest ive ever seen, at least on my cams.. The test issue will be over tonight, so i can have all Friday to concentrate on deer, i have clinicals on saturday from 10-3 though. Sunday looks like a deer hunting day though. Will...good luck this weekend too brother, just make sure your buck is smaller then mine :D
So...where's this "Freak Daddy" thing that is soo epic around these parts? He still alive, or did I miss something???
Well, i actually talked to a neighbor today who saw him this morning, about 1/2 mile from my properties. He was driving down the road and ol' FD came busting out of a gully. First time anyone has seen him since July. No photographic evidence yet though.