Hey Joe, very nice trophy with a longbow...that is one heck of an accomplishment! Congrats and the mount is awesome! I can relate to some extent...I have hunted hard since I was 15, bow, gun both and till this day have only killed a 7 pt (that might score) 75 pts with my muzzleloader my first yr..but the cool part was that I grunted him in from being on a hot doe trail from 400 yds away! I am now 34 and hunt more serious and harder than ever! I am very proud of that buck tho, since I didnt shoot him until 3 yrs ago...but your accomplishment is yet a dream of mine! Nice shooting!
Yea I agree you should re-post it, I've never read it but I remember the buck. Congrats on the trad bow kill, that it awesome. I wanna hear the story!
Thanks guys. I'm stoked on how this mount turned out! Here's a quick run down on the hunt! Seems like it was yesterday! I got to the area I scouted earlier and picked out a tree. I second guessed my self and went about 20 yards up the trail and decided this was a better spot. I get my stand up all ready to go. I let the woods settle for a few and did a series of grunt and a couple doe bleats, 10 minutes nothing, I call another series. With in a minute this guys shows him self coming thru the swamp headed right down the trail I thought he would come down. He stops about 60 yards on the edge of the hardwoods and swamp. I kinda loose sight of him as he just stood there looking for some action. I take a chance after about 10 minutes of not seeing him move, I give a soft grunt, he starts rubbing on a tree then heads my way. My heart starts going crazy, he gets to around 20 yards, broadside, perfect shot, no wait, not yet he's going to come closer. When he gets to 15 yards or so he looks directly up at me, I freeze, he stares, does the bobbing thing, no worries, he looks away and comes right up the trail to about 10 yards, stops broadside and I send my arrow thru both lungs, perfect shot. He runs about 15 yards, stops, spits up blood every where and falls over dead! Awesome, awesome.... awesome hunt. I worked very hard for this deer and I'll NEVER forget it!
Joe, You should add this was taken on public land in a pretty high pressure area. I still remember looking at this deer hanging at your campsite @ Mauthe.