I just wonder how you guys feel about it. No cuts on anyone either way. No wrong answer. My brother has bowhunted very little last season and wants to continue this season. He does not have a lot of time to hunt, and we are not exactly over-run with deer so... How do you guys feel about putting him over a pile of corn? (Legal here) I have mixed feelings about it, I do. But I also want him to kill a deer with the bow pretty bad. (So then he will be hooked. Lol) What say ye all ?
I say give him the best opportunity to get a deer... for the same reason you list, to get him hooked... later down his journey he can take the road less traveled...
The only person it should concern is HIM. Even if you don't believe in it or want to do it, mention it to him as an option to up his odds and see his take on it...if he is all for it, then help him do it! If he says he'd rather not mess with going that route, then problem solved before it even became a problem. I have helped SEVERAL friends place corn piles in the last year or so, and haven't once set one for myself since I was 16. In some instances I feel it even hurts my odds, and I just want to beat the deer a different way. I don't look down on it or care about it at all, heck I even help others do it...just don't do it myself. Let HIM decide how he will hunt.
Illegal here, but if it were not I may have a pile out here and there. If you want him to kill a deer, and ya'll think that will give him the best option then have at it and to heck with what we think. We all take advantages, your state allows bait, so if you feel it helps then by all means throw some out.
I know the feeling. Fortunately for me, my brother has been a hunter for sometime and although he hasn't killed a deer with his bow yet, he remains very excited about getting out. I did get him hooked on boating on the river. After one cruise down the river a few years ago, he was out looking for a boat. Since then he has been a member at our lot and we have shared a ton of good memories that we wouldn't have if he had never taken that ride. I wish you the best of luck in whichever method gets your brother "hooked."
Placing corn on the ground is not going to magically make a deer appear... trust me. He still has to pull off the hunt. I see nothing wrong with it at all. It is legal so you are good there. The other thing is this. Hunting is for the hunter, not his buddies or brothers.. I don't go out in the woods to prove myself to anyone. I do it because I like being in the woods for the most part. Seeing and having a chance at shooting a deer is secondary to me(and its a good thing it's secondary because I am 26 and have yet to take a deer... even with a rifle).... lol
Hi, my name is Satan, I live in Texas. I have 8 stands on my lease, 3 of which are at feeders. Guess what my answer is?
LA Baiting is now not legal here in SLP of MI, but baiting had been given a bad name by some and it's not evil. If it's a legal form of hunting have at it. There is an art form to baiting many have missed. Baiting is about creating competion for the bait, not putting out a lot of bait. 2 gallons of bait and you are good IMO. I shot my first deer over a mixture of corn, apples and some carrots When a deer is working into your baiting set, it's just as exciting as one I see working into an ag field or mock scrape. The goal of hunting IMO is to have fun and kill critters, if some bait helps one do so, why not Some of the biggest name hunters use bait and some big bucks fall to pile of corn every year, more than most of us know. Some big name hunters hunt here in Ohio, they hunt near city and county parks, how do you think they draw those big bucks out of those parks?
I knew that Jeff. I thought it was pretty funny. I have caught some real crap about it over the years. Some aren't joking with that sentiment though.
Thanks for all the opinions guys. I think I will let him decide. Over the years I had done this as well when gun hunting. I tried it my first year bow hunting and did not like it. Seems to take away from my thrill. That being said, I know there are a lot of others who do it. Some will admit it. Some won't. I care not. I think I can get it done without, so that is what I do. If you need it, or have to have it, go for it. Thanks again.
You know this thread has me wondering. I have killed 8 deer over the last 5 years. One was at a feeder. 7 were from stands on trails or along pastures and clear cuts. I may be wasting a lot of money. Corn ain't cheap!