Hello, I have a SAS bow that is 55 lb pull and a 29" draw back and I want to upgrade it to a 64 lb pull and a 31" draw back if anyone can tell me how to do that please do.cause any information is helpful thank you
You'll have to get a new bow. Probably not what you want to hear, but there is no way I know of to do that. Modifying the bow to do something it wasn't designed to do will end badly. And you'd be better off buying a new bow.
Could you post the model? If it's the one I'm thinking of, you cannot increase the poundage on it or the draw weight. Is it the rage or the Sergeant? If it's the Sergeant, it cannot be cranked past 55, and the draw length cannot go past 29 inches. If it's the rage, here is a video on how to change the draw weight, in regards to the draw length, I'm not so sure, you might need to contact SAS and see about it
The Sergeant cannot be pushed past 29 inches, and it's draw weight cannot go higher than 55lbs. Sorry.