Earlier this summer during Fathers Day weekend I went to a Traditional shoot that I've been going to for the last 4 years or so. The results finally were posted up this week. Tied for tenth out of 81 people In the recurve class. It felt good seeing my name above some of the names on that list that do allot of competition traditional shoots, that's an accomplishment Itself. I just do It for the fun of It, kind of a tradition with my dad and brother. Just thought I'd share with some first time success for myself. http://www.rapidsarchery.org/2009_Traditional_Shoot_Results.pdf
Right on Steve , you is a real Trad shoot talent Jason and Charles Schultz in the Longbow men , i'm kinda thinkin they are family right ?
Yep, Jason (my brother) and Charles (my dad). I had to rub It In beating them, they rubbed It In the last time they both beat me.:p I did give them some slack though, neither one of them were shooting anything like they usually do. Thanks guys for the nice words!!
Sounds impressive. I wish there were more people in my area shooting traditional. You say you shoot with your Dad and Brother. That's probably rewarding also.
I didn't go to this traditional shoot to try and place In It or win It. I went to It because It's become a tradition on Fathers Day weekend to go with my dad, brother and a few other friends. Placing 10th over all at the shoot was just an added bonus to the weekend. I actually surprised the hell out of myself shooting that good but the last year or so I've worked my tail off to get back to where I was 7 to 8 years ago. The last 7 to 8 years my form and shooting has suffered some. I wasn't wounding animals or anything like that but I knew It needed some fixing. Best thing I ever did was hit the shooting hard as heck last fall and this spring. Thanks for the kind words Jon.