Anyone out there have scoring advice for him? Is the "back" beam truly just a huge flyer with points off it meaning the inside spread would be from the inside "second" beam or the other one? Just curious if anyone has had anything similar...cuz I would have no clue where to start scoring this brute.
As best I can tell the top one is actually the main and the bottom one is the extra so if that's the case I've got him taped at 138 and 3/8's I don't have very much experience measuring antlers though and this is a tough one haha.
Yeah not a fun one to know for sure. You getting him mounted? Most taxidermist in my area are scorers as well, could ask their advice too.
A lot of Taxidermists will do heads for guys who can't afford them and use them for competitions and/or displays. They'll let you come get them whenever you want later. You may ask.