If you read my other thread "Done Deal" you then know that I couldn't decide on what to do with my 340 FMJ's. The question was should I cut them shorter and lighten them up some and gain a little FOC or should I leave them be? Well today I went back to the archery shop that I bought the arrows from and cut one arrow 1 1/4 shorter then the others. My arrows to begin with were 31.25" long not counting the nock or the tip. They have 360 grains on the end of the arrow (100 grain brass Insert, 250 grain field point). My FOC was 18.5% and my arrows weighed In at 743 grains. I then shot the 1 1/4 shortened arrow and It had a very slight kick to the right, not much but very slight. I then shot It through paper and the tear wasn't bad by any means but It wasn't as pretty as my longer arrows were. I thought long and hard and decided to keep my longer shafts. My only gripes are Is they really loose energy after that 22 yard range and they also have a slight bounce to them on my shelf when I 1st start pulling my bow back being there so long and weighted on the end. I could of added more weight to the shortened shaft to take the stiffness out but the archery shop I was at doesn't have that type of arrow accessories. These guys are big compound guys, speed Is their thing. I've spent enough money on my new arrows so enough's enough and I'm not ordering anymore accessories for my arrows. Maybe on my next set of arrows I can shorten them up some and play with them. By that time I'll have more weight stuff accessories of my own to try out and experiment with. I can say this that this arrow set up will be awesome at any animal that's 15 yards and under. I'm getting 3 to 4 Inches more of penetration with these arrows then I was with my 2216's at 10 yards. I cannot wait for bear hunting to see what they can do (I hope I get drawn for a license). 10 to 12 yard shots are the norm bear hunting. Then again maybe this arrow set up will be just fine at longer yardages too. Time will tell.
Sounds like a plan Steve, one thing is for sure they will look cooler than the ole 2216s. What color of feathers are you doing em up in, wrap???
Thanks Adam!! Hopefully I can dirty up them white fletchings with some good old lung blood this fall.
HEY! May 15th, get some turk blood on them I had a lot of problems with my FMJs, but seems to me I got a lemon (or 6 ) I've the only ever one I've ever heard of having troubles. Best of luck, Steve-O. They look good.
That sounds even better!! What went wrong with yours Kyle? The more I know about these from others the better.
I'm pulling 61lbs at 27.5". You've saw the guys over on Trad gang, allot of them are shooting heavier set ups then I. People can do this with a compound too, I know Russ has done It with his. My next set of FMJ's won't be quite this heavy I don't think. The more I play with these arrows, the more I'm learning.
Not really. I know this much that when I cut 1 1/4 off of one of my shafts they were too stiff. In order for me to shoot that shorter shaft I would've needed more weight up front. These arrows are borderline for me on stiffness without adding a ton of weight on the end, I know I could shoot the 400's too.
I shot right around 200 arrows today, some In the afternoon and then some again this evening. I wasn't as consistent during the afternoon but this evening I was hot!! 10 to 25 yards I couldn't miss, best I've shot by far with these new arrows!! 25 to 40 looked like my 20 yards usually does, It wasn't too bad at all. My arrows might be on the slow side due to shooting heavy arrows but my confidence level Is really starting to sky rocket with them.
I would suspect fastbucknut would need to check his dynamic spine. Schultzy's looks like it would be OK to me. One of the arrows I am currently shooting has a .300 spine with 300 grains on the tip, 30" in length at 66#'s DW.
I know what your point Is Jeff, damn!! What I typed in my previous post has nothing to do with what so and so has for an arrow set up. What I said has to do with me and not anyone else. I know what I can do with my set up and my options are limited. These FMJ's are no different then any other arrow when It comes to setting them up. Someone I respect to the fullest helped me with going the FMJ route so I'll take his word that these are the right set up but besides that my arrow flight doesn't lie, I have never ever saw such a pretty looking arrow In flight out of my recurve. On a side note Jeff most people can get away with shooting an over spined arrow rather then a under spined arrow.
Me as well Jeff. Carbons are something I have no expierence In so I'm learning as well. Some things a person just can't get an answer for. For Instance my brother can shoot my 2216's out of his 51lb longbow. They should be way to stiff but they fly pretty damn nice out of It with BH's or field points of 125 grain. Like you said, being a bow Is center shot anything sometimes can be possible.
Just to throw in another person's variation... I went to carbon arrows about 1 year ago and despite everything I've been told, I have been unable to get anything that will bare shaft tune.. The best I've found are 35-55 spine GT'S and they bare shaft almost 2 feet to the left. Shultzy... Please explain what your set-up is for weight up front.. I have 250 grain field tips but not sure about increasing it but I's sure like to weaken the spine down to where they would bare shaft tune.. gotta go woodsman