I got this buck October 30, 2011 with my CVA Wolf ML. He has a 17" inside spread and the tip to tip is 17 4/8 Also the Euromount of this buck. Hubby said I couldn't get this one mounted.. so I settled for the next best thing.
Thanks guys! I got my 2010 buck mounted, which was a bigger buck, so I had to let him have the money this year for what he wanted. Besides, I have been married to him going on 21 years, and I thought that was fair. C Dude, I did the Euro-mount my self. A little work, but well worth it.
It was the first, and I followed instructions I found online. Also My taxidermist gave me a few pointers.
Good job on your first skull mount, looks nice! I wouldn't sweat not having it shoulder mounted, I think the European skull mounts looker cooler anyways. Cheaper and a DIY too!
I agree Buck Commander. I just have the antlers of my 2006 8 point on the wall and I had the 2010 buck mounted because hubby said if I ever got a monster we would have it mounted. I wasn't sure if the Euro mount would turn out to good, but with a lot of patience and following the advice and instructions, it wasn't all that difficult. I am dragging hubby to the Arkansas Big Buck Classic this coming weekend and I am taking last years buck down to get him scored and enter him in the Best of Show category for a previous year's buck. Maybe he will have a decent score.
Congrats and great job on the euro mount. I have to admit you have now sparked my curiousity about the 2010 buck. Can we see a pic?