Well, I have been out three times prior to today but I havn't really anticipated anything till now. The previous trips led to sore feet and several encounters with bucks still holding. Today led to the same, except no bucks sighted. I didn't find any sheds but found some areas to keep checking and some good sign. Here are a few pictures I snapped. Previous trip.. Here I am today, rep'n Bowhunting.Com :d Some pics from my hunting grounds... Nice trail from a bedding area to a feeding area, they use this powerline heavily even though it is just a few yards from the neighbors backyard. This is the bottom that I missed a 130-140 class 8 point in during rifle season. Tons of sign today, lots of beds but no bone. And finally, a nice rub that is right behind the landowners barn. This buck really worked this tree over as there are several branches rubbed...