i can get some muzzy's really cheap. i currently shoot thunderheads. are muzzy's comparable to thunderheads? i will be getting muzzy 3 blade broadheads. will i be satisfied with them?
Ive killed deer with both, both are awesome heads...what grain are the muzzy? 4 blade? 3 Blade? standard? MX? I have kille more deer with Muzzy than any other head, they are good out a TUNED bow.
Both are quality! I've shot Muzzy's for some time now after trying many different head, expandables included. My Muzzy's have passed through mulitple deer - tips still scary sharp - never lost a blade, replace blades or resharpen if possible, and use again. Not sure I'll ever switch. I also like the practice blade option for some targets... Mine are the 100gr. 3 blade version...
a little story.... A few yrs back I was hunting and had a small deer come in and I took a shot and missed. the deer wasn't alerted and kept coming, in my haste i grabbed a muzzy head that i had been shooting at the target for pracxtice since Aug!! It had well over 200 shots on it, 4 bld standard Muzzy 90 gr. I accidently nocked this arrow and head and shot the deer at 15 yds and blew right threw it...deer ran 30 yds and piled up. One tough head and even dull did the job...Now don't go out and do what I did, make sure you don't grab the wrong arrow!
Yeh I know that now Jeff, I was out of town hunting and I had brought that with me to practice and then just stuck it in the quiver not thinking....lesson learned.
I shot a doe with the muzzys last year and i was pretty impressed with how they worked, but IMHO they don't fly the best.
I've shot Muzzy's for years. They are a great head and will blow through just about anything. Tuning them has never been a problem because my bow is tuned properly. My Muzzy heads hit the same spots and my FP's.