There's great music being made right now. It's just not on the radio and you have to search a little to find it.
he is talented, but he needs to lose about 100# or he's going to be seeing his old man sooner than anyone wants...
never heard of these guys before, but glad you put them here. Not only are they right up my ally, this also kind of got me back on track on a project idea I had been kicking around but got side-tracked/kind of writers-blocked on. You seem like an alright dude, Omar- check in on the new member's thread and introduce yourself.
Hello, I still listen to Evanescence to this day. I've yet to hear another female singer that remotely even comes close to sounding as good as Amy. Past, present and likely future. I quit comparing anyone to her basically after her first two big songs. Bring Me to Life and My Immortal are still in the top 10 of my favorite songs. Broken by Seether with Amy Lee also makes my list.
It’s hard to find music I like anymore coming from the 80-90 hairband days. But I do like to let loose on some FFDP:
No. After listening to this song and another song of her's, just not my type of singer/music. They are a great band.
Probably no one's type of music around here but for a fun party rock type of music Andy Frasco and the UN is great. I saw them at a small outdoor show and it may have been the most fun concert I've ever been to.
I actually like this. Would have been fun party songs back in the day before age and a wore out body came into play.