How many of you do this? I never have. I am pretty comfortable shooting deer during a slow walk. But, maybe a situation will come along where I might try it? For those who do there a distance where you would not feel comfortable alerting a deer before letting the arrow fly?
I always mouth grunt to stop my deer. It is just what my dad has taught me so that's why I do it. The distance factor I just vary how loud I do it closer they are softer I grunt and farther the louder I grunt.
I don't grunt but I do doe bleat, "meah" softly from time to time. I'd rather have the deer stop on it's own but if I have too, I "meah" softly first, louder if necessary. It's been very successful for me.
I've done it a few times, but I've also shot deer that were walking or even almost trotting. One particular deer I shot early in my bowhunting life early was almost trotting and as soon as his shoulder crossed my pin, I let it go. He was 20 yards and it caught the back of the front lung and liver. He didn't go far but it was still too close for comfort to being a disaster. I won't do that again. Walking at close range, yes, in the right situation. Beyond that the deer has to be stopped for me. The buck I killed in 2007 was moving 'fairly' quickly but I was inside of 15 yards and was 6' off the ground. The shot was perfect and he went about 40 yards. When I do stop a deer, I'm always at full draw and pretty dang close to having the pin where it needs to be.
Lesson #1 for northern Michigan Deer Hunting, Never Grunt at Deer in bow range unless your trying to see how fast they can run!
I do it.. almost out of pure instinct.. and it's more of a Road Runner type "meep". Do it on yotes too... only it's a kissing noise for them. As far as yards.. I dunno. I'm so automatic at that point.. I don't even know what I'm doing.. muscle memory completely takes over. I like to think I make the right call though on when to and when not to "meep". I can tell you one thing.. I'm not like those dudes on tv.. they "meep" then wait like 5 seconds before releasing the shot.. I "meep" and before I finish the arrows on it's way.
If the situation calls for it, yes. Always? No. Shot a doe last year walking, missed a buck last year after the "meah." I had no choice but to stop him. He was doing 100 miles an hour after a doe.
I've done it. I will shoot deer at a sloooooow walk, but will not shoot deer at even an average walk.
To ME only, the key points so far are to be on the trigger and pretty much releasing when you do this...I believe it keeps the deer from turning, or looking dead at you and instantly becoming nervous. I also use the kissing/meep on yotes and deer. I have seen shows where they MAAAAAAAH and the deer turns quartering to them and looks straight up the tree instantly becoming nervous. Hopefully my arrow hits the deer just after they hear my noise.
i do a short meh, and then if it doesnt stop a louder longer one. i tried to shoot one deer on a slow walk and i missed low.... prob not why i missed but now it enough to make me think about it. so yes i always will try and stop the deer first before shooting.
I attempted it for the first time - last year nice choc rack 8 pointer - it went something like this deer walking steadily at 30 yards - draw, put pin on- mwaaa, deer still walking/mwaa/ deer still walking / grab grunt - sounded like a wounded duck - could hardly breathe to get enough air through call- deer still walking - makes it to thick brush - no shot/let down
I'll throw a short "meh" out there if I need it, but would rather the deer stop on it's own. It really depends on the stand and the situation. It's very useful in a stand with a ton of cover or a buck that is hot on a doe.
I don't do It and don't really have any Intentions on doing It but like Rybo said If they were cruising along real fast I might go for It then.