just ordered one today after reading outstanding reviews. Does anyone have one? Post some pictures please! Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
I am a Moultrie fan. I have a D-5, A-5, D-444 & D-55 IRXT. The M-880 will be my next camera this winter when they go on sale. I have experimented with different brands of trail cameras and have found that Moultrie works for me. I do not bash other brands.
French how do you like the A-5? Do you see a large dropoff in quality between your A-5 versus the others?
Thanks guys! My best moultrie was stolen last year. I loved that darn thing Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
Here is a thread I had last year full of pictures from my M-80. I think the M-880 has a bigger flash zone, so the quality will be even better than these. http://forums.bowhunting.com/trail-cameras/36658-young-bucks-parade.html
As you can probably tell I love trail cameras and the pictures. I do see a quality difference, but it is not huge. I expected a bit of a quality difference because I can almost buy 2 for 1 when comparing the prices. Attached is an example of an A-5.
I have 14 M-880s I just bought this year. I only have 4 out at the present but they have been really good as far as pic quality.
Here are some pics from my m880 the only place in any of these pics that get much light at all is the doe in the river, and that was quite a long shot. im going to put my camera on a trail with much more light the pics should look great
I've had an M80 for a couple of years that hasn't been in the house since I got it. It is a real workhorse. The only knock I have on it is if the subject is too close to the camera, the flash tends to wash out. Other than that I have been pretty happy with it. Blessings.........Pastorjim
Really? Wow, I thought mine were doing pretty good and have been really happy with the battery life so far. I've had mine out for a month and batteries are still 85-90% and are just plain alkaline batts. I don't have the video turned on though, just 8MP pics.
I get about 200-400 pics on them a week and they drop 10-20% each week. I thought they would last longer a little longer than that.