I have a Samsung Impression and this phone kicks butt. I think it looks a lot better and more modern than the Driod. I have no complaints with this phone, so far. Its quick, easy to use and does its job very efficiently.
All I know is mine slipped out of my pocket while climbing in my treestand. I was about 10 foot up and when I climbbed back down to get it it was fine. Also my cousin has one and the screen went out on it and he called Apple and sent it in and they repaired it for free under his AppleCare plan. Will it cover a damaged phone yes, but not when its the owner's misuse of the phone. And like I said I listen to the ipod and talk on mine from 7am until about 9pm without having to charge. Not trying to call you a liar or anything, just giving a positive experience with the iphone. Personally its the best phone I've ever owned.
Look into cases for BlackBerries if you ever want to got that direction. On my Storm I have a Otter Box Commuter case. It is a rubber liner covered by a plastic shell. It is very slim and really looks good. They also make a couple cases that offer more protection.
My razr decided it didn't want to play anymore so I went and got a Blackberry Bold 9700.. What an interesting gizmo. I'm sure I'll break it shortly...
Well, if you ever need help with it give me a shout, I am a BlackBerry fanatic. Also, for cool stuff for them go to Crackberry.com
I agree, Crackberry is the place to go. That said, come late January I'm going Droid. I have been doing research for the last couple weeks and this looks like what I want. I still love my Blackberry, I just love new gizmos. And I also feel the Droid will be more useful for me.
I may be shouting at you.. I have a feeling many of the abilities of this gadget are going to be lost on me. I have however figured out how to get my ringtone back. (The good, the Bad and the Ugly) I also have surfed this site from it... which is greatly amusing to me. I remember my first 'cell phone'. It was the size, shape and weight of a brick. It could double as a weapon almost as well as a big maglite.
I had the blackberry and it was great, but I was ready for an upgrade. I was toying with the BB Bold and the iPhone...and then someone surprised me with the new iPhone. I'm still figuring it all out, but so far, so good. I did notice when in 3Gs mode, the battery does drain faster, but its easy to recharge, so no big deal. I have a slim case on the outside and a clear screen guard to prevent scratching,etc and I love it!! I know a few with the Droid and they all seem very happy with it except for the keyboard (top row is too close) and the lack of ability to use the iTunes/apples apps and functions.
The browser that comes on the phone is not very good for this site. I downloaded Bolt browser which made surfing this site a bit easier for me. http://boltbrowser.com/home.html