A week and a half after I shot the biggest buck of my life on a warm, rainy, windy day I had the most fun i've had all year hunting. Today I got to take out my 9 year old godson and we had a blast. We didnt see a single squirrel let alone a deer but he was all smiles and so was I. We played the rangefinder game and I explained to him the parts of my bow and how it worked. Proper shot placement on a deer drawn in the dirt, I didn't get into kinetic energy and broadhead selection yet though I will save that for the next trip or when I he signs up on bowhunting.com Take a kid out when you can...even if you have to borrow one like a did. It may not change his/her life, but it just may change yours!
My son and i were out today, didn't see a deer. a large squirrel thou, he almost shot him. He didn't want his arrow to be lodged into the tree 22 feet up in the air.
That is awesome when you can pass on your knowledge of hunting a youth!! Got get them interested. Congrats!