Seriously. Brian and I headed to the farm Thursday evening, and Friday morning found me in my blind awaiting the first gobbles of the day. The birds were talking pretty good until they hit the ground. Then shut up. But a short while later they were all fired up. In fact, I heard one bird gobble well over 100 times in half an hour, and a second was fired up very close to the house. I managed to call in 2 jakes and a longbeard, and after waiting patiently for the right shot, I ranged him at 23 yards and THUMP! DIRECT HIT! He ran into the woods leaning hard to the left, but I didn't want to chase after him right away. After the 2 jakes left a short time later, I got out to look for my arrow. I looked up to see Brian walking toward me, not knowing he was on the front porch and watched the entire thing unfold. He even said one longbeard was strutting only 5 feet from my truck. Brian didn't quite make it out in time for the morning hunt and nearly gets one anyway! LOL It started raining lightly and we decided to get back in the blind hoping the rain would bring them back into the field. An hour or so later, and an inch or 2 of rain later, it stopped and I decided to hit the woods to find my bird. 5 minutes later, all freaking hell broke loose! The wind kicked up to what at the time I estimated to over 80 mph, only to find out later that a very unique weather scenario funneled the wind through that area to speeds in excess of 115 mph, no kidding. There was debris flying around the woods, trees were popping and dropping, limbs falling......and the wind was beginning to push me down a hill. I grabbed the nearest one I could reach, but after several more very large trees fell within 30 yards of me, I decided to get the hell out of the woods. I hit the field edge only to find our 2 chairs still there, 2 bows on the chairs, but no blind and no Brian. 10 yards away the blind was smashed against a large tree, and I had the scare of my life....Brian's arm hanging out of the window. I ran over (and yes, the wind is still blowing) and he looked up at me.....Thank God....Dude, are you alright? No answer. "DUDE! ARE YOU ALRIGHT??!!!" He says, I'm not sure, how do I get out of here?" After a couple minutes I had him extricated from the blind, which was twisted and wrapped around the tree, pinning him to the tree and inside the blind. Brian, now affectionately known as Toto.. We ain't in Kansas anymore! While walking to the cabin I saw a HUGE tree fall in the front yard, narrowly missing the house. We get to the cabin, which in retrospect was not the place to be either, but I noticed Brian was just wandering around the house, with no real purpose. To make a very long story short, he had been knocked out briefly when he parasailed into the tree and doesn't remember about 20 minutes of his life. He had quite the knot on his head and I believe a concussion, but he's well and good now. All we can figure out is the wind picked up the blind, with him inside hanging on, and hurled him into the tree. We are both very, very fortunate to be alive. I walked into the woods later, and where I was standing when hell broke loose was about a dozen trees on the ground. Good thing I left the woods. Montauk State Park, a mere 2 miles down the road, is leveled. EVERY tree in the park is down, so the power company told us. I learned later that the scenario that caused this was incredibly rare. There was also a confirmed tornado 9 miles to our north. Ya'll, we had NO warning this was coming. The sky wasn't dark at all, no thunder, no lightening......Just some rain. No big deal. God was really watching over us this weekend. The house is fine, our trucks are fine, and WE are fine. THANK YOU LORD!! Ya'll, I've been worried before, but I was genuinly concerne
Don, Glad to hear you guys are all right. That had to be scary as hell. I went out to check cameras yesterday with winds around 60-65 at times and that was kinda spooky.I can't imagine 120
Wow, quite the scare you had there Don. Glad to see you guys made it out of there in one piece. We had some weather down in Steele, MO this weekend too, I was there with the Bowtech Trailer, but nothing like that.
Wow. The wind was really gusting here today and yesterday, but I couldn't imagine 115mph! Glad you guys are alright, but what a story you have to tell now.
Wow Don, glad you all made It out alright and In one piece. Someone was definitely looking out for ya!!
wow thats unbelievable! glad ya'll made it out in one piece, so was it officially a tornado that hit you or just crazy wind?
Wow mo, that's quite a story. Sounds like a tornado kinda. Glad you are ok. I can't imagine being outside in something like that!
There was a tornado 9 miles to our north, but that's not what we had. Picture this.....a line of thunderstorms that stretch SW to NE, moving SE. That line didn't split, but one side curled and rotated counterclockwise, and the other side did the same, only clockwise. So, the 2 "circles" were turning into each other right.....wind coming from 3 different directions and the area between the 2 "circles" was literally a funnel.....Funneled all that wind which increased it's speed......apparently it's pretty rare.....
Glad yall were ok MoBow, I live in the mountains you see, and we don't get Extreme storms very often, but the other night we had a F2 Tornado touch down about 3-5 miles from my house, you talk about something rare in these parts. It picked up a mobile home and rolled it down a hill with people inside. Thankfully they lived.
I'm sorry you made it out okay... that's terrible! :evil: :evil: :evil: Lol, jk buddy I really am glad you'll be able to visit OK once again and that your Double Bull held up incredibly!
lol, well... you remember that long walk we took because there was a 30mph wind? It's about the same, I don't think it's been going to it's rehab classes.
thats is some story. you wont forget that day for a long time. im sure you have alot of fire wood for the winter now tho lol. good thing everything is fine and dandy.