So which is better at this time of year? 1st lets set the weather conditions. High of 20, w/a overnight temp of 10. windchill, zero. Are they staying bedded til midday when it's a little warmer. I've haven't seen a single deer in the morning since gun season (thanksgiving week) I have seen some at a very far distance right at last light. does this time of year change there patterns regarding feeding/bedding times etc. I know that where they go is dependent on food, but what about the weather itself. Just plain weird not seeing any deer in the morning. Is is better to go out in the evening?
I've only seen em at lasy light recently. Except if it snows all night. Last storm I saw deer in the am and pm, unfortunately I wasn't hunting, i was driving to and from work!
I've had better luck in the evenings in that type of weather. If they have bedding cover close to the food they won't be far from it. I'd setup right on the food source. If you try and get back in the woods your likely to bust the deer out of their beds. Plus with the woods being so open this time of year they see you coming from a looooong ways.
If it is in the mornings, it's right away. Evenings are at last light. Seems like its about the same as usual but more to the extremes.
My problem is I hunt where there are no food sources. They are only corridors for them to travel to. I agree, I think the eves are going to be the best.
My success is higher in the afternoon however, I believe it's because of hunting more afternoons than mornings. (Afterwork etc...) In 08 however, I shot both my bucks in the mornings. GO figure. LOL In IL I saw more deer in the afternoon than I did in the mornings and I had all day sits.
Yeah, I'm agreeing w/you 4 sure. Evenings are the way to go. I went out last night and seen 2, shot 1. The trails blazed thru the snow are unbelievable. Like others have said, last light. First deer came in at 3:50, 2nd @ 4:45. Thanks for the advice guys.
Out of the bucks i have shot its about 50/50 but i like the afternoon better because i think that the deer feed all night so come morning they are bedded and by the afternoon they are ready to go out feeding again.
In these cold tmps I found it better in the evenings, they seem to come into the food sooner as opposed to leaving them earlier in the AM, I haven't seen very many deer in the AM this time of year with the temps and conditions the way they are!
i mean that buck in the picture i shot in the morning so i got nothing to complain about either morning or evening but in terms of numbers i see mor deer in the evening.